
This website traces the origin of the Sambells surname from 980 AD in France with English heritage since 1154 AD. Some of the early French surname variants include Candavene and Saint-Pol, while the early English variants include de Sancto Paulo and Saint Paul. Later English surname variants include Sympele, Sympelle, Semple/s, Samble/s, and Sambell/s.


And is it like this in the homeland Mother? Is the grass so green and the sky so big? And is the sea so blue in the homeland Mother, The land where our fathers rest, Resting in the grave ‘neath the granite cross Looking forever to the far horizon. Poem by CLIES STEVENS

Welcome to the Sambells Family Genealogy website.

Sambells Family Genealogy website was developed in Dec 2011. It was designed to provide a venue where family historians can help each other to document and share our common family history. Appealing to both the novice and serious researcher this website provides guidelines to help identify the lineage of our ancestors.

Getting your research started: Research Guidelines are provided to show you how to find online resources including databanks, message boards, and mailing lists. The most useful types of English records are described. A custom set of links are provided to give you direct access to several of the most productive free-to-use and pay-to-use websites for searching for our Cornish and Devon ancestors. Suggestions for recording data are offered along with an explanation of the genealogical proof standards used to authenticate findings.

Unregistered visitors will enjoy access to the public domain information including origins of the clan; biographies of noteworthy family members; immigrant family histories; tribute articles articles to servicemen; and guidelines for conducting successful searches of English records. Join us in discovering our common family history. It is an exciting endeavor and something to which we all can make a contribution.

Registered members will have access to the “Family Files” section. This section will contain descendant pedigree charts, a family person index, and a family photo gallery. To gain access to this area you must become a member. There are no membership fees. However, one restriction is that you must be a member of the family.

If you would like to join please complete the registration form and explain your link to the Sambell/s family. If your research indicates you may possibly have a kinship relation to the Sambell/Sambells/Sambles clan please email details of your ancestor to the website curator – Frank Sambells – through this website contact address. Your information will be verified and you may become a registered family member.

Registered family members will also enjoy this website as an interactive forum providing opportunities for online sharing of genealogy information. Queries and discussions through posted messages will help us all to pursue our individual research efforts by drawing on the expertise of others. A researcher’s chart will provide you with an overview of family history records assembled by others. A contact list will provide you with the opportunity to communicate with people researching various branches of the international clan. A variety of collaborative projects will include items such as a family photo gallery, DNA research project, and a family crest project.

##Expectations of Registered Members

Although this site was created to encourage and promote the collaborative research of our family history it is clearly understood that our individual efforts will be sporadic. After all genealogy research, the writing of family history and the development of family photo albums are activities which make good hobbies and are occupations for only a very few people. Consequently, there is no expectation that all registered members actively participate on a regular basis.

This website may be useful to you as a resource of information to encourage your own research efforts and make them more successful. It may also be used to post the results of your successful research or stories which contribute to recording of the Sambell/s family history. It would also be of benefit to everyone if you were available to offer short periods of time to work on projects to improve and expand this website content. We welcome new ideas suggestions and revisions of existing content. Please encourage your paternal and maternal relatives to view and participate in the activities of this website.

We look forward to making the SFG website an engaging forum to help others discover their roots within the global community of the Sambell/s family.

>To forget one’s ancestors >is to be a brook without a source, >a tree without a root. >Chinese Proverb —

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