Family Files (for registered members)
Please note: the following description of the Family Files pages will hopefully be made available in 2019.
What are the Family Files?
The “Family Files” pages will be the repository for four different types of files submitted by family members and reviewed by the website curator before posting. As with all other website pages, the information presented in the Family Files section is dynamic and will change with our needs. The Family Files will be indexed according to the following headings:
1. Ancestor Files:
Activated March 2012 & in development. These are charts submitted by family members which display relevant vital records in order from the present to past ie. from the name of the person submitting the file to the names of the oldest couple on their branch of the family tree. As these documents are reviewed by the website curator with the submitter they will eventually be entered into a master GEDCOM file where the links among the branches will be shown.
2. GEDCOM Files:
This will be a master document which includes the vital records of Sambell/s family members from all branches of the Sambells family tree. Included will be descendant charts, family person index, family tree diagrams etc.
3. Media Files:
These files will include a photo/video gallery.
4. Research Project Status
• International contacts project: ongoing by all members
• Manorial Records: research at the CRO: ongoing
• St. Germans Tithe project: CRO research began April 2011 and ongoing
• DNA project: ongoing
• Family crest project: in development
Viewing of these files will be available to website family members only. It is hoped that this page will enable participants to discover new pedigree links and thereby extend their branch of the family tree.
Access Restriction Statement
To protect individual privacy the “Family Files” pages are only accessible by registered family members. To gain access to these pages you must be a verified family member. There is no fee to become a member. If I (the website curator Frank Sambells) do not know you personally then you will need to be sponsored by someone else who is already a family member or provide documentation as to your relationship to the family.
We welcome new members of all ages.
Guidelines for submitting ancestor files.
- Number each generation from present to past
- Include the full names of the husband and wife along with her maiden name where possible.
- Include the place of birth and christening dates for the husband and wife (and death dates if you have them) as well as the date and place of marriage. It is not necessary to add the names of all children born to the parents at this time. In the initial phase of the development of our common family tree, I want to be able to establish the links between living branches of the tree first. However, if your own personal files do include the names and vital records of children from each family, by all means, include it if you wish.
However, it should be noted that only direct Sambell/s surname branches will be presented here in the early stages. Individual members can hold their own files which branch their family tree along both maternal and paternal lines.
If your current surname is not Sambell/s then simply include the names of each of your parents/grandparents etc back to the generation which links to the Sambell/s.
Participation Guidelines
For those of you who do make contributions to this website please follow these simple guidelines.
- Respect the privacy of the files created and posted by members. Authorship will be recognized for all text, photo, audio and video materials submitted. Please do not copy, publish or repost material to other websites without the authorization from the author of the material.
- Submit your family history articles as a “word document” and as a GEDCOM file for ancestral data. (see note on Standards for Posting Files in the Family Files pages.)
- The submission of genealogy data must be accompanied by source references. The inclusion of sources for vital birth, marriage, death data is the best way to authenticate the information presented and relationships identified. Most of us when we start to develop our genealogy records fail to do this. However, with free access to internet sites such as, it is very easy to retrieve these document reference numbers. Reporting the sources of information for individuals provides the authenticity of data presented in your charts and enable others to verify kinship links.
- Follow the guidelines for Genealogical Proof Standards. See note on Genealogy Proof Standards listed under the Genealogy page.